Friday, July 11, 2008

Competency 5B: Specific Facet First, ERIC

I searched the ERIC Ebsco database for my topic on reluctant readers at the elementary level.  I used the word (reluctant) as my most specific facet.  This brought 1374 results.  Next, I limited my results by selecting:  full text, dates (2005-2008), and elementary education as the education level.  This gave me only one result.  This was too limited for me so I removed the dates from my second search.  This time I got 34 results.  I found a great article on graphic novels on hit #2. 

The article is titled, "Graphic Novels for (Really) Young Readers:  Owly, Buzzboy, Pinky and Stinky.  Who Are These Guys?  And Why Aren't They Ever on The Shelf?"  The author Allyson Lyga, is an elementary school librarian who supplies her shelves with a large of collection of graphic novels.  Her article is a success story about the positive results that graphic novels have on reluctant readers, or in her words, "avoidance readers."  Kids love these books because they are visually appealing and they can understand the plot of the story easily.  She has even noticed that some student book reports come in a graphic novel format, rather than the traditional book report form.  Graphic novels supply the student with every aspect of reading comprehension. 

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